6 months ago I had dinner with my family and some friends at a Chinese restaurant near the University of Oregon. At the time I was wallowing from my return to the US after my time abroad. I was still adjusting from my time abroad and settling in. I had no intention of taking any adventures any time soon. All I wanted was to stay put, and to enjoy my surroundings.
I opened my fortune cookie at the end of dinner and this is what it said: "A bold and dashing adventure is in your future."
I laughed and shrugged but I kept it in my wallet as a reminder that even though settling in was all I wanted, adventure would never leave my life.
Today as I was going through my wallet, looking for all the important things I need for my trip, I found the fortune and it came true.
On June 23rd I will be embarking on a bold and dashing adventure that I'm sure will change my life.
It is not the first Adventure I will have and it surely will not be the last.
I am a young aspiring adventurer. I have goals and dreams but at the moment I'm letting myself be washed towards them rather than forcing my way at them. I am enjoying the ebb and flow of my life and delight in the surprises it brings me. This blog is a collection of the thoughts and information that I collect throughout my quest to be Extraordinary. Everyone can be Extraordinary, you just have to let yourself go beyond the ordinary.
I never knew that.
AntwortenLöschenAs Von Goethe said,
"Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
Have a great, dashing adventure = )